Drop Me A Line

Write me a note in the comment section and I’ll write back!

If you would like to contact me or my family by e-mail, you can reach us at thejohnsonfam5 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

287 responses to “Drop Me A Line

  1. Hey buddy!

    I really miss you and i wish i could be with you right now but I know you’re enjoying your summer and you’ll pull through everything great!

    Love you cuz!

  2. Your website is soooo cool….and so are you….even though you said I was a dork! Keep the tweets coming, we want to hear from you next week. I love you and will see you soon….Granny (and Dennis and Cade)

  3. What a great website! I’m sure you will be able to use it for your Mayor campaign in a few years!

  4. Mark Ohrenberg

    Hi Lanny,
    Hope all is well and I have missed you at Wii Excellerate. I wish you well with your surgery. I look forward to seeing you more at youth events. I do like your website!

    Thank you and have a great day!

    • @Mark Ohrenberg Hi, Mark. Great to hear from you. I actually haven’t been coming to Wii Excellerate because I have taekwondo classes on Friday nights. I’m already an orange belt decided! See you soon!

      Your friend,

  5. I love your website Lanny! Thanks for stopping by room last night at Open House. It was so nice to see you! I will be thinking of you this week. Please tell Katya to stop by during summer school to get a hug.

  6. Steve Coonrod

    Hi Lanny!

    I’ll be thinking of you during your surgery and recovery. You are one tough guy. I’ll come visit when you get home.


    • @Steve Coonrod Hi, Steve. Thanks for coming by and handcuffing me. I’m sorry Laney died.

      Your friend,


  7. Thanks everyone! This is so awesome!

  8. Carey Balthazor

    It was great seeing you at open house last night. Joe and I are sitting here right now and want to wish you well with your surgery. We’ll be thinking of you!

  9. Becky Nielsen

    Lanny – I’m glad you and your family could come to our house for dinner last weekend. Max and Jenny had fun with you. Hope you have a fast recovery. When you’re feeling all better maybe we could get together again :)

  10. Lanny, I will be thinking about you this week. You are one strong boy, whom I admire and think the world of! Let me know how things go, stay strong buddy.
    Take care,
    Ms. Ward

    • @Ms. Ward Hi, Ms. Ward!!! I’m glad I got to see you the other day! Is Cody going to be at open house?

      Your friend,


  11. Jeanine Riggert

    Hi Lanny
    What a wonderful way to keep up with everyone. I know you will be excited to read it each day.
    I know you will be successful in your surgery and recovery, you are very strong. I will be thinking of you.
    Take care, Mrs. Riggert

  12. Lanny,
    Love the website! It’s totally rockin’. Enjoying my Sunday…hope you’re doing the same. :-)
    Thinking of you,
    Ms. Spry

    • @Amanda Spry Hi, Ms. Spry! I think I’m gonna do A.P.E. next year. Hopefully we can do some more swim lessons too before the summer ends.

      Your friend,


  13. Gooooooooooooood morning Lanny !!!!! How was your weekend ???

  14. Grandma J and Katya

    Katya is just fine and is leaving for school now and she wants you to know she is thinking about you. Love you lots and lots. This is really cool.

    • @Grandma J and Katya Hi, Grandma! Thanks for showing Katya the website everyday while I was gone. And thanks for bringing her to KC, too.



  15. Grandma J and Katya

    ‘Grandpa said to say hi and that he loves you too.

  16. Hi Lanny!!
    Buddy and I LOVE your website… and we LOVE you!!
    Buddy wants to know what “tweeting” is all about… He hopes it has something to do with birds… :-)
    We’ll be thinking of you during your “remodeling”… Love you bunches…Auntie Laura and Buddy

    • @Auntie Laura Hi, Auntie Laura! Tell Buddy I love him lots and lots, even though I’ve never met him. I really want to meet him in real life. So can you pick me up and drive to Tennessee back from Columbia?



  17. Madeline Lycke

    Hi Lanny,
    Good luck and I’ll be thinking of you. When you get home, let’s go camping again.

    Your friend,

    • @Madeline Lycke Hi, Madeline! Thanks for coming to Toy Story 3 with us this weekend! When my back gets better we’ll plan another camp out. :)

      Your friend,


  18. Lanny,

    Your dad told us about your surgery and directed us to this site, which is about as cool as you are.

    We know everything will go well and that you’ll be back at 100% very soon. And with summer coming up, at least you won’t have any homework for a few months!

    Wish I still had that little black sports car you liked so much; I’d offer you a ride around town!

    We’re thinking of you.

    Norm (and wife Szasz)

  19. Marcia Machens

    Hey Lanny,

    We are routing for you!

    -The Machens

  20. Marcia Machens

    Ok, I just realized I spelled routing wrong. It was suppose to be rooting. Ugh! My bad. Sorry about that. Well at least this away you get two comments in one day. Hopefully you can laugh at the last one.

    -Marcia Machens

  21. Lanny,

    We’ll be praying for you tomorrow.

    Just keep thinking how awesome the Cardinals Game is going to be on your birthday. Your Dad tells me the surprise slipped out last night.

    Also know that I am still actively trying to get you on the field too. Can’t promise anything, but will do my best and keep at it.

    Good luck buddy.

    – Sam

    • @Sam McPheeters Thanks, Sam! We got our tickets in the mail yesterday. I’m soooo excited!

      Your friend,


  22. Catherine and Lilly

    Hi Lanny-
    We will be thinking about you and checking in on your blog. Lilly and I are flying out of St. Louis tomorrow so we be blowing you a kiss as we fly over Kansas City!

    Love, Catherine

    • @Catherine and Lilly Hi, Ms. Catherine and Lilly! I caught the kiss! It popped right into my shunt WHILE I was having my surgery!

      Your friend,


  23. Good luck! We are thinking of you.

    Dave, Marcia & Kathryn

  24. Lanny,
    The Royals are routing for you! Looks like we will see you out at the game soon!

  25. Alright Lan the Man…here I am all the way down here in Florida and the word has gotten to me about your surgery tomorrow. Remember when I used to pitch you a fast ball in Challenger League and you’d smack it right back at me? Well, tomorrow is no different…when that Jayhawk surgeon goes to work you show him what a Mizzou Tiger is made of and smack it right back at him! I’m proud you’re a friend of mine and look forward to seeing you again soon. I’m praying for you and know you’ll do great. Randy

  26. Jason Thornhill

    Hey Lanny – good luck tomorrow boss! Sounds like you’re a pro at handling this stuff so I’ll just wish you a quick recovery so you can get back home soon.

    Hold your breath when a Jayhawk fan walks by.

    • @Jason Thornhill Thanks, Jason! That was funny about holding your breath when a Jayhawk fan walks by. We used that joke a lot.

      Your friend,


  27. Nurse Lori...the best!

    Hey handsome….your surgeon has to be really great if he is a Jayhawk Kate thinks. We’ll have to compare our scars… I’ll be thinking of you. You are a stud my bud. Nurse Lori

    • @Nurse Lori…the best! NEVER call me handsome ever again! I bet my scar is bigger than yours. When are you coming over to see me?

      Your friend,


  28. Julie, Sean and Colin

    Good luck tomorrow Lanny! We are sending good wishes your way. We will check in on you tomorrow evening.
    Love ya,

    Julie & Mike, Sean & Colin

  29. Lanny, Hello from Raleigh, NC! I’m on the road working, but wanted to let you know that your Aunt Judy and I are thinking about you and know that things will work out just fine! Hang in there!
    Uncle Ted

  30. Hi Lanny!
    Hope you are enjoying your evening with Ronald and all those dogs and cats. Get a good night’s rest so you can deal with all those KU fans tomorrow. Keep smiling! Love, Granny

  31. Brian and Toby

    Hey, Lanny. Let them all know who the Tiger really is over there. Prayers for you!!!! (And, Mom and Dad)

  32. Lanny,

    My team and I are behind you, keep being strong! You are an inspiration to all of us.
    (Go easy on the nurses!)
    Your friend – Carl Edwards

    • @Carl Edwards I did go easy on the nurses. :) It’s so awesome that you commented on my site!!!

      Your friend,


  33. Hey bud!
    It was so great seeing you a couple of weekends ago…even though we didn’t get much time to catch up!
    I hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery so you can get back to the Lake very soon! :)

  34. Stephanie Travis (MU Cheer)

    Dear Sweet Lanny –
    On behalf of all of Mizzou Cheerleaders (past and present), I want to say GOOD LUCK with your operation!! I met you many, many years ago when I worked with your Dad..and was a cheerleader at the time. You won’t remember,but I knew you were a true Tiger, the minute I laid eyes on you! Rest assured, that we will all be doing what we do best (cheering you on from the sidelines!:) You will be GREAT!

    • @Stephanie Travis (MU Cheer) Thanks, Stephanie! Tell all of the cheerleaders Lanny says “hi”!

      Your friend,


  35. Nurse Lori...the best!

    just thinking about my best pal and how great he’s going to do tomorrow before I go to bed. Sweet dreams my friend. Talk to you tomorrow… my cats and Sparky say have fun tonight at the dog and cat night.

    nurse lori

    • @Nurse Lori…the best! Thanks, Nurse Lori. The dogs’ names were Junebug and Gunner. Junebug was a lemon beagle and Gunner was a golden retriever.

      Your friend,


  36. Grandma J and Katya

    Goodmorning Lanny, today is the day. We are thinking about you. We love you. Katya says, ” I hope your surgery is ok” I know it will be. Grandpa sends his love and he will be thinking about you all day too. Hugs and kisses.

  37. Alexander Family

    Hey Lanny, we are thinking of you this morning and wishing you a very successful surgery and speedy recovery! You are amazing:)!!!!

    –Jay, Shayne, Paityn, Ava, Harper, and Jack

  38. Hey Little Man! You are probably getting ready for surgery and won’t get this until after it’s over! We sure love you & are thinking about you. Audrey, Jack, Uncle Rusty and Abbey say hi!!! Be strong !

  39. How are things going buddy? I’m at summer school thinking about you….oops. Better get back to work. Wish you were here to laugh at me.
    Nurse Lori

    • @Nurse Lori I’ve missed you and I really want to see you. Anne babysat me the first day I was back. She wouldn’t take me over to your house to see you. So will you come over? See you soon.

      Your friend,


  40. Hey Lanny!
    I hope your surgery went well today. I was thinking about you this morning.
    My kids, who are my son Aiden (8.5) and my daughter Bailee (7) think I should tell you their favorite joke. Lucky for you it’s not that funny since I’m sure laughing really hard after surgery probably wouldn’t feel very good. So here comes their favorite (really not so funny) joke:
    Aiden-“How do you catch a gorilla?”
    Bailee-“I don’t know. How?”
    Aiden-“You climb up a tree and make a sound like a banana.”
    Bailee-“Bananas don’t make sounds.”
    Aiden-“That’s why it’s so funny!”
    Bailee-“It really wasn’t so funny.”
    Then they both fell down laughing. Hopefully you thought it was as bad as I did and didn’t laugh really hard.
    By the way, I knew your dad in high school. He was a pretty cool guy back then, he’s probably a huge dork now but that’s ok because huge dorks make great dads.
    Have a good day and start feeling better soon and then I’ll try to tell you a really funny joke!
    Becky R.

  41. Lanny,

    Extra time in Kansas City. Not such a bad thing if you don’t mind all of the blue and red Jayhawk clothes. At least we still have a Big 12 conference (sort of). I know everything will go well today and I will keep checking for the details.


  42. Lan-man! I am thinking about you alllll day today. I know you are going to do wonderful. When you get rested and all healed up…We are going to have to take a trip to Sonic AND the pool. How does that sound? Did your mom tell you I’ll be babysitting on Mondays now? I can’t wait! I would tell you to stay strong, but I know you always are:)

    <3 Anne

  43. Lanny,

    We’re praying for you and know you’ll do great! Good luck with the surgery and I can’t wait to see you back on the baseball diamond soon!

    David, Sara and Sterling Nivens

  44. I loved the picture of you in your MU t-shirt in front of the KU medical clinic, ha! Please let us all know how things go…. I woke up this morning with you in my thoughts and will continue to hope and pray things go well!
    Take care,

  45. Lanny!
    Me and Cade are thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery! We know how tough of a guy you are!
    I will have to come see you sometime soon cause I’m missin you.
    Good luck. :)

  46. Your parents love the blowhorn app on your ipod. Maybe look up “vuvuzelas”. Those are the horns that are a blaring part of the World Cup soccer coverage. They probably would like it as well

  47. I’m thinking about my best bud in the world who is making fun of KU…. NOT….tell me it’s not true. You know how Kate feels about that…we MUST have a talk about you trash talking Jayhawks soon. I think right now you are dreaming about me, yep, I know you are. We are in Disney together and we’re wearing our Micky and Minnie ears. Ok…get on with the surgery. You know we only hug, so here’s my huge hug for you….dream big buddy. I miss you and LIKE you a lot.
    Nurse Lori

  48. Triston Brownfield

    Hey Lanny,

    Been thinking about you and your family all day! Hope the procedure goes smoothly and recovery goes fast. Thoughts and prayers your way !

  49. Lanny, Kathy and I are thinking of you and hope you’re feeling great soon. You’re the toughest little guy we know and we can’t wait to see you again. As soon as you feel like it, we’ll all go to another Cardinals game. We’ll’ write again soon.

  50. Reba, Jim, Brooksy and Joe Halterman

    Good luck with everything Lanny! You are a tough kid! Enjoyed looking at your website – we will be checking back to make sure you are doing OK!

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